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How to Do an SEO Competitive Analysis?

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In today’s world, business is no longer about just selling products and services. It’s about creating a brand that people want to buy from you. And the best way to do this, according to the SEO Agency Christchurch, is by having an SEO competitive analysis report created for your company. 

The purpose of an SEO competitive analysis report is to help you identify your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses so that you can create a strategy that works best for your business.

Conduct Google SERP Analysis

A competitive analysis is a process that allows you to determine the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors on Google. It helps you understand how they rank in search, what they’re doing well, and where they struggle compared to your own site. A good SEO analyst will be able to suggest changes that can improve results for both sites—and most importantly: they’ll show you which ones are worth spending money on!


Conduct Keyword Gap Analysis

The next step is to conduct a keyword gap analysis. Keyword gap analysis helps you identify which keywords have a high ROI and which ones don’t. In other words, it tells you what your competitors are ranking for and how much they’re spending on their SEO efforts.

To calculate the keyword gap, the SEO Agency Christchurch uses Google Analytics’ Adwords API (application programming interface). The Adwords API allows us to access data from Google’s search engine indexing tool—a free service that indexes billions of web pages every day so that users can find information quickly and easily.

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To conduct this type of analysis using our own tools or software:

Prioritize Keywords With a High ROI

As you’re doing your competitive analysis, make sure that the keywords with the highest ROI are prioritized.

ROI is a measure of profitability, and it represents how much money you’re going to get back on your investment in a particular keyword. It’s calculated by dividing profit by cost (or vice versa). For example: if I spend $100 on advertising my website and I get 10 clicks per day from each advertisement, then my return on investment (ROI) is 10 clicks per day / $100 spent = 0.1% or 1%. This would mean that for every dollar spent on advertising, only one click will be generated!

Create an SEO Competitor Analysis Report

An SEO competitive analysis report is a comprehensive analysis of your competitors’ websites, Seo marketing strategies and other factors that affect search engine rankings. 

It’s important to understand how the competition is doing in order to make informed decisions about your own website or business. You can use this information to identify areas where you need improvement and make sure you’re not falling behind.

To create an SEO competitive analysis report:

  • Go through each competitor’s site with a fine-tooth comb, looking at every page on their site and asking yourself: “What am I missing here?” What could they be doing better than me? Is there anything I should change about my website so that it’s more competitive? Are there any opportunities for me as an individual based on what they’re doing (eBay vs Amazon)?
  • Use Google Analytics or another third-party tool like Crazyegg Tools (free) which provides more detail than just bounce rate metrics alone will reveal when analyzing traffic sources/traffic sources per month vs the total number of visits over time across multiple platforms combined into one dashboard providing real-time data visualization capabilities including charts showing trends over time which can help identify patterns such as seasonal changes in visitor behaviour during holiday seasons or other periods when specific activities may occur due primarily not just due.
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By now, you should be well-equipped to conduct an SEO competitor analysis. Remember that this is just one step toward creating an effective SEO strategy; however, according to the SEO Agency Christchurch, it can provide you with some insight into what works and what doesn’t work for your competitors. 

By using this report as a starting point, you will have a better idea of how to approach improving your own results.

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