Kids of today’s generation are quite different from to what we were. They are smarter, active and undoubtedly more passionate about exploring new things. Many parents think that it’s their kid who is too notorious and can’t sit quietly at one place for some hours, but the reality is this is how the new generation is. It’s us, mother and father who has to channelize their energy at places which help them learn and grow. If your kid has already turned three and you are exploring Best Preschools in Gurugram, then let us tell you, this is one of wisest decisions ever as at this tender age, they tend to learn faster in the company of their peers. Having said that, there arise one issue that children catch the unfavorable habits very quickly, and then the parents get worried, simple because one doesn’t have control on other children, and they being young do not have understanding of right and wrong, that’s the reason you might be refraining him to send to a preschool, right?
There is a solution to all the problems in this world, the only thing is we need to research, talk to people, be confident before taking the right decision and everything else will fall in place. The leading preschool in Delhi/NCR – Sportyze, which is also a famous daycare in Indirapuram, Noida, Gurgaon is an answer to all your questions. Catering to 20,000 kids, with all the care and affection, they have created their own niche and parents trust to a great extent.
Excited to explore more? Here you go!
Sportyze main focus is physical fitness
It’s true the whole purpose of sending kids to school is to make them learn new things, new poems, good habits and more, but it is also true that in this world that we live in, where fitness and a sharp mind plays a major role in determining the future of a kid, sports and exercising cannot be avoided, and the best part is they are interrelated. It is interesting to note that not all schools promote fitness, as they have limited space and no expertise as the staff is not trained to let children try new things, run, tumble, jump. Let us make you think of a situation where you are sitting at one place with a book in hand, and there are no fun activities that are in a way improving your health simultaneously, will your mental level grow? Will it become innovative and experimental? Will those skills develop in you that are needed to do well in life? Is bookish knowledge enough to climb that ladder in this super competitive world? The answer is No, and hence, you need to find a school that offers Gymnastics for Kids, where they can focus on their physical fitness and once they have a stable body, their overall mental abilities will also grow with time. Sportyze promotes health first; hence all of its centers are equipped with world-class instruments where children learn how to stay active and physically fit. For those who are living far off and are unable to send their little star to the center, Sportyze also offer at home services which you can explore more on their website –
Studies to improve life skills
Best Preschools in Gurugramcreate a playful environment where kids learn different skills that help them go a long way in life. They learn social skills, how to greet others, treat their peers, respect others, manage emotions etc; literacy skills to stay knowledgeable and get ready to sit in competitive exams to get admission in a good school and most importantly they learn communication skills that has a great role to play in personality development.
The Sportyze curriculum is designed by experts keeping overall development in mind. At many daycare in Indirapuram there is lop sided development, and that’s why parents are not very sure sending their little ones away from home just to pass time, but at Sportyze you will see your little munchkin touching new heights. Special attention is given to each and every kid so that they feel safe and happy, and express their emotions in a better way.
Why is Sportyze different from the rest of the Preschools?